Therapies » Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Mrs. Jeannie Reagen
I am an SLP or Speech-Language Pathologist who has worked for the Morgan County Schools since 1996. Communication is very important to me and that’s what I help children do. Speech Language Pathologists Evaluate, Diagnose, and Treat people with Speech and Language Disorders. For the children who are Speech Impaired, we work on specific sounds that they are having difficulty producing. We start with sounds in isolation, nonsense syllables, words, phrases, sentences, and lastly conversational speech. We also work on fluency or stuttering, voice quality, resonance or nasality, and for those students who are language impaired, we work on a variety of expressive and receptive language skills which include grammar, vocabulary, listening, processing, speaking, etc. SLP’s also work on cognition which includes attention, memory, and problem solving skills. Additional areas that Speech-Language Pathologists work on are feeding/ swallowing and auditory rehabilitation which works on areas impacted by hearing loss. As an SLP in the Morgan County Schools, one of my responsibilities includes paperwork for billing Tenncare for eligible students which puts money into our Special Education program to buy things needed for our special education students. In a nutshell, I absolutely love my job. I love working with the students to help make their lives more enjoyable by making communicating easier for them. I also feel very blessed to work with the greatest therapy and Special/General Education staff who truly has a giant heart for our kiddos at CES.