After School
The afterschool program at Wartburg Central Elementary School is sponsored by Save the Children/21st CCLC. It promotes high academic achievement and strives to accelerate growth in reading and math achievement. It also provides a variety of enrichment opportunities. The program runs for 110 days each school year.
Ø The After School Program provides additional Reading practice and opportunities outside the regular classroom. Students meet in small groups and participate in a variety of individualized reading activities:
2nd-5th grade students:
- GIRP (Guided Independent Reading Practice) Student selects and reads books on his/her identified reading level. Students take an AR reading quiz on the computer for each book read. (Individual Reading levels are based on the STAR Reading assessment.)
- RAvFL (Read Aloud, Vocabulary, Fluency) Students are exposed to various books and authors during daily Read Aloud activities. Daily Vocabulary games and activities are included. Students also participate in many fluency-building activities such as poetry, tongue twisters, chants, jokes, and reader’s theaters. These activities encourage students to read with expression, proper voice tone, and speed.
Kindergarten and 1st grade students:
- Participate in a variety of activities that target specific beginning-to-read skills during Extended Read Aloud, Reading Together, and Module activities
Ø Students also receive 30 minutes of Math instruction/practice daily.
Ø Students participate in organized physical activities each day.
Ø Students are provided with a healthy snack each day.